You can improve the lives of children living in poverty by supporting their moms


Mom2Mom helps connect moms and children living in poverty with the resources, community, and support they need to thrive.

We know that children who have healthy, determined, well-supported moms can grow and thrive in spite of poverty-related stress. When moms thrive, children thrive.


of moms report an increase in positive behaviours from their children since joining Mom2Mom.


of moms report that Mom2Mom has helped decrease stress and made them feel more confident as moms.

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Women and moms have been hit hard by the pandemic. Recent studies tell us that more women have lost their jobs than men and single moms are parenting in deeper isolation than ever before. Here’s how you can help.

Counselling, doctors, social programs, all that stuff is available - but what my fellow clinical researchers and I keep coming back to is this: what people really need is a mom. That’s what was missing, the attachment, the development of self-esteem, the guidance and structure of how to take care of oneself, that’s all rooted in family.
— Chris Siu, MA, RCC
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Meet Eliza

Eliza joined Mom2Mom after escaping an abusive relationship and grieving the death of her mother. Read more about how monthly practical and emotional support has made all the difference for Eliza and her boys.

Meet more resilient Moms and learn how the Mom2Mom community is helping families thrive.

Being part of Mom2Mom is a huge thing for me. I was looking for that deep support and Mom2Mom connected me to a volunteer who really cares. And I don’t have to squeeze everything out of my pockets just to get a jug of milk.
— Participant Mom
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